On Thursday morning at around 5am, he came on with a cold. So when his doctor's office opened up at 9pm that morning, I called. We were at my Mom and Marty's house at this time. Tabor was feeling good so we went for my step-grandmother's funeral. I was going no matter if Tabor could come or not. Anyways, the doctor's office told me just to observe him and if his cough got worse or not eating and all that then to bring him. So he was starting to get better. On Friday, March 6th, at around 5pm, he rolled over from back to belly. He was acting fine still had a small cough but nothing bad. So then Saturday night, we thought he was getting better. Well, he had a hard time to get to bed that night and at 4am he was up for the day. That is so unlike him but we noticed that his cough was worse. So we decided that after Sunday school, we would take him to the ER. He had no fever and was eating fine and all that. So we did. They were not sure what was wrong so they covered all their bases. They gave him a chest x-ray. Have you ever seen a baby get a chest x-ray. It is rather quite interesting. They warned us that he would cry and did. I got to stay with him and hold his hands above his head. It is hard to explain on here but it looks like a torture device. But it gets the job done. And then they did some test where they stick this q-tip like thing up into his sinuses. But that was fine. The chest x-ray showed pneumonia in his right lung. So they gave him an anti-biotic before we left the ER and a prescription. I made a follow-up appointment on Monday, which was for today. Luckily, I made it for today and not yesterday or Friday. My reasoning for today was that he would have had the medicine three times (Once at the ER and twice here at home (once Monday and once today). And we are going out to my Mom and Marty's tomorrow night until Friday morning. We are going a Detroit Red Wings game Thursday night. So anyways, he was wheezing today which was new and so now we have to do breathing treatments every 4-6 hrs. We got the machine and medicine. He had one at the office and the nurse said he will cry through it and there is nothing you can do and he did. But it helped alot. He is not wheezing right now and that treatment was at around 9:30am. I didn't see a clock but it was around that time. So when he starts to cough a lot or wheeze he needs his treatment. It is hard to do it to him because he fights and cries but at the same time it is good for him. He is too little to understand. But when he cries he is taking more in because he is breathing deeper which is a good thing. In a couple weeks, he needs to go back for another chest x-ray. So that has been our interesting life.
Tabor is feeling a lot better and he had to go to the doctor yesterday because he had some ear clogged problems so he is on meds for that and told me today that it is a lot better. I am doing well. I am battling a sore throat only sore when I do not drink or when I sleep with my mouth open because I can't breath out my nose. So I told Tabor we need the humifider on at night which has not been on in a couple days. Ky had a cold mist hunifider and I asked the doctor if it is okay to run it still even though he has pneumonia and I have not been because I do not want him to get worse but she said that would be great for him. We also asked the doctor if we could still go because my step-sister will be watching Ky and she said that as long as he is eating okay and no fever he is fine to go. But anyways, I am going to go. So I will talk to you all later
Oh yea, if you like coconut you need to try hersey kisses with coconut inside. I got them for my birthday from my secret sister and they are amazing.
Bye For Now
Thankful Thursday #284
6 months ago
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