Thursday, October 23, 2008


I started reading a booked Love, Greg & Lauren a while back. I stopped reading it because I needed a break but early this week I decide to pick it back up and finish where I left off. It is not a book that you would forget what it was about. This book is a collection of emails that a husband wrote while his wife was in a medically induced coma because she was burned. Now, she was burned on Sept. 11th. She was walking into the World Trade Center building and I am do not remember which Tower she was in when a fireball came out of the elevator and pushed her through the doors back out onto the street, where she was able to get help from a person on the street. She was still conscious, when she got to the hospital her husband found her and she told him that she was going to fight and then they had to put her under.
This story has been very interesting to me because her husband explains the procedures she is having and what certain things mean. So as I am reading about her grafts and what kind a person can get, I am also looking at my own arms wondering if that is what I had. And of course I would ask Tabor to see if he remembered and stuff like that and explain to him why I wanted to know. So I am almost done with the book and it is very interesting to read this. Of course she was burned worse then me but still I think it is interesting because of all that I went through. It is weird how much you relate to a book like that because you have a same experience and some of the same surgeries and all that kind of thing.
I would recommend this book to anyone that would be interest in reading what her journey was like. her husband also tells you of things that he is doing while she is in her coma and all that kind of thing so it is not just about her but about her husband and her son as well. The majority of course is about her.

Just thought I would share!