I forgot to add this story because I forgot about it until I was talking with someone and they reminded me of it. When I was in the burn unit they had me try and write my name. Well, I remember writing the following sign that they PUT ON MY DOOR: Please keep me modest. Well, come to find out all I wrote was three lines that was suppose to be my name. Yea, I like my version better!
I don't really have any stories from Mary Free Bed because I was not so high on medicine that made me loopy. I am just naturally loopy then give me meds that make me more loopy and we have the applesauce smoothie girl again. But I will return now back to telling things about my stay that MFB.
I am glad, well, I guess glad is not the word for it so I don't really know what to say there but I am just looking at my experience there and thinking how knowing God made things a little easier there. I could have had a terrible outlook about why I was there and the whole ordeal that came with why I was there but never was I mad at God for what had happened and sure there were many times I told God I wanted Taylen back, I think for my own personal selfishness but I am a mother remember and what mother would not want that. But never was I mad or did I think that God took Taylen away from us. If I would have gone down that road I don't think I would have recovered. I remember being in the burn unit telling God that I wanted Taylen back but I knew it was not possible and I was just glad that Taylen was safe now and didn't suffer. I really do believe that if I had been bitter and mad at the situation that I would not have made it out of the burn unit. And because I didn't have those feelings I knew that God was there with (well, I knew that no matter) but I knew that He was still working on me to get me back to health again and He was working on mending my broken and hurting heart and so I don't think He let me get all mad and stuff because if I did I would have turned against him in a heartbeat. But that just goes to show that no matter He is always there for us and helping us through everything....
More to come tomororw
Thankful Thursday #284
6 months ago
this is a strong testimony julie, thanks for sharing!
Thank you for sharing that, Julie. It really brought tears streaming to the surface. I can only pray that, if I were ever to lose a child, that I can be as strong as you have ben....I honestly don't know that I could, though...I think I'd fail that test.
I love you Julie!!
You have absolutely NO idea who I am, but one of my friend's went to school with your husband, so that is how I know of your story. I just want to tell you how much I admire you and you are a true testimony to me and I pray for you often. I get updates to your carepage, but just read your blog for the first time and you are truly a strong woman. God has already used you to touch my life and I cannot begin to imagine how many others. Take care.
I echo what Matthew said. I love how personal God is with us. I thank him for protecting your heart during that season in your life.
julie, you have a strong and beautiful spirit. to have endured what you have endured and still have kept your faith is so touching and absolutely remarkable. so many people, most in fact, would have just become bitter to the world and to God, but you did not give up trusting... your words in this entry are so brave and so absolutely inspiring. you are one of the few people i know of that i can really say in my opinion is worthy to be called heroic. you are my heroine, julie, and i mean that with all of my heart.
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